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Message from the Chairman

Dear 360,000 residents of Wonju! I am Lee Jae-yong, the chairperson of the ninth Wonju City Council.

The ninth Wonju City Council started with the unsparing encouragement and affection of our citizens.

Now Wonju City Council is trying to go beyond the difficult time of COVID-19. At the forefront of the new era of changes, we are trying to run together with marginalized citizens and small business owners, who are experiencing economic difficulties.

All 24 lawmakers, including myself, value communication and harmony and uphold the will of citizens. As true representatives of Wonju citizens, we will administer the council humbly and responsibly for the first two years.

We will create Wonju, where people live better, where citizens have power. Thank you.

Lee Jae-yong, Chairman of the Wonju city council

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